
Places to visit in Turkey

This list of places to visit in Turkey will undoubtedly inspire many more trips to this stunning country. As travelers have experienced, the moment you set foot on Turkish ground is like stepping through live museums, thrilling tourist destinations, stunning panoramas, and areas that are breathtakingly beautiful like Pamukkale. Turkey is never boring with its impressive ruin sites, fascinating museums, and natural beauty with misty mountains and a variety of unique landscapes.From Istanbul’s minarets to Ephesus’ antiquated ruins and Pamukkale pools, to the breathtaking coasts of the southern and west, and all in between, this guide contains a wide range of tourist destinations and locations between east and west that have been a hit with visitors and previous guests, as well as the most popular things to do.Before we get started, you can also find ideas for destinations in our tours in Turkey. We select our hotels and guides and utilize modern tour vehicles to ensure comfort. We also offer small-group Turkey tours that include boutique hotels. Our tours have even been included on the official Turkish Tourism Ministry website.

1. Hagia Sophia in Sultanahmet

The Hagia Sophia was once the world’s largest dome and served as a mosque, church, and museum until Turkey changed it back to an Islamic mosque just a few years ago. The result is that its Islamic plague calligraphy, as well as Christian mosaics, are prized treasures. The huge Islamic engravings grace the stone columns, while light and natural light stream through the 40 windows. It is said that the Hagia Sophia is prime Byzantine design, and due to changes over time, it has become one of Turkey’s and Istanbul’s most recognizable tourist destinations.

2. The Blue Mosque in Istanbul

Also known as Sultanahmet Camii, the highly revered Blue Mosque portrays life for Muslims in the largest city of Turkey. The Blue Mosque is more than a popular tourist attraction. It is open to all visitors, even outside of prayers. The mosque is a recognizable landmark in Turkey and is a stunning example of Ottoman architecture. It is among the many spots located in Sultanahmet that make up Istanbul’s UNESCO World Heritage collection and one of the city’s top tourist destinations. The building was completed at the end of 1619, by Ottoman Sedefhar Mehmet Aga, and the impressive highlights include 260 stained-glass windows.

3. Places along Istanbul’s Bosphorus Shores

Most discussions about the Bosphorus in Istanbul focus on its role in separating east and west. The stretch of water divides the exotic city of Istanbul into two continents, defining the landmass as either Asian or European. Many wars and battles occurred here as powerful rulers aimed to gain cultural control of this strategically important strait of Turkey. These days, the tourist attraction cruises along the Istanbul shoreline pass several historic sites, including castles and palaces.

4. Topkapi Palace in Istanbul – Turkey

The climb to the Topkapi gatehouse of the palace may not be impressive, but within the stone walls are amazing courtyards, rooms, and palaces that depict the colorful lifestyles of the Ottoman Sultans throughout Istanbul. Topkapi Palace was the first residence of the Ottoman Sultans and was in use until the 20th century when they relocated to the modern Dolmabahce Palace, featuring western architectural themes of the time. Topkapi Palace is among Istanbul’s most popular attractions, and you should take your time during this visit to ensure you don’t miss anything. In addition to the main attractions, be sure to explore the Harem. After that, relax in Gulhane Park, a gorgeous green area in Istanbul that shouldn’t be missed.

5. The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

Shoppers will be delighted by The Grand Bazaar, the largest and oldest covered market. It dates back to the 15th century and has 5500 shops. The Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar of Istanbul is an integral element of the Turkish culture and is a well-known tourist destination. People who aren’t shoppers can have a good time looking at exquisite paintings and the architecture. Apart from the shops and restaurants, there are cafes with fountains, hammams, fountains and a few mosques. Furthermore the Istanbul iconic landmark is a fantastic spot to buy souvenirs.

6. An Adventure into Incredible Dalyan

The golden sands and the shallow oceans that are part of Iztuzu Beach make perfect day trips from Turkey’s Aegean as well as Mediterranean coastal areas. But what is what makes Iztuzu beach unique is the presence of the loggerhead sea turtles. The endangered species spurred Turkey to protect Iztuzu Beach and prohibit building. Other popular areas along this stretch include the hillside Rock Tombs dating from 400 BC. Tourists are often able to enjoy spa baths that are therapeutic, where they soak in sulphur rich mud. The combination of sulphur and hot temperature (reaching temperatures of 40° Celsius) helps to ease the symptoms of.

7. Explore the Ancient City Ruins of Ephesus

Tourists frequently take a road journey towards Ephesus UNESCO World Heritage site. The site is located on the west coast of Turkey near Izmir, Ephesus features a 24,000-person theater, which was one of the largest in the world’s ancient times. Built during the time that of Emperor Claudius, Ephesus also features the Celsus Library, which could hold up to 12,000 scrolls, and was also a massive tomb for the governor of Asia. Famous for the Temple of Artemis, visitors walk through temples and discover Roman Terraced Houses with their stunningly preserved mosaics. If time permits you, make sure to visit the house of Virgin Mary as well as Saint John’s Basilica, two more famous sites in the region of Turkey.

8. Goreme Open Air Museum in Cappadocia

It is the Picturesque Goreme museum, which is the best spot in which to go to within Cappadocia situated in central Turkey’s Anatolian region, is a showcase of ancient cave churches and monasteries that feature antiquated Byzantine frescoes. More than 600 churches constructed of soft rock are scattered across the Cappadocia landscape. There could be less uncovered However, the Goreme museum draws tourists from all over Turkey. To make your visit more enjoyable take advantage of tours of Cappadocia as guides provide useful information on the area as well as other tourist destinations.

9. Derinkuyu Underground City in Cappadocia

Conspiracy theorists claim that aliens created Derinkuyu underground city within the Cappadocia region in Turkey. But, massive tunnels and rooms with a spooky atmosphere are what make this attraction worth a visit. It is located 18 miles from the capital city Nevsehir within Cappadocia, Derinkuyu, which translates to “deep well” is the largest of the approximately 35 cities underground. However, notable historians claim there are a multitude of locations all over Cappadocia. The eight-level compounds were connected by tunnels to a different community in Kaymakli. The discovery of Derinkuyu’s underground city came about accidentally when a cave wall began to collapse. From there, experts from Cappadocia were awestruck by the city’s size.

10. The Best Hot Air Balloon Ride in Cappadocia

The most well-known activity in Cappadocia can be described as an beginning of the morning balloon ride with breathtaking views. As the sun rises up to 20 balloons are thrown over the horizon to reveal breathtaking views of green valleys as well as fairy chimneys. Wedding proposals have been planned with hot-air balloons. Likewise, birthday celebrations are a popular event. Balloon rides can last from 60-90 minutes, which leaves the rest of the day for exploring different locations within Cappadocia.

11. Aegean Pamukkale and Hierapolis: Spas and Ancient City

The meaning is “Cotton Castle” in Turkish, Aegean Pamukkale offers unique scenery of travertine terraces, created by the waters with a high content of minerals. The city was once an ancient Greek town, Pamukkale is a source of springs that had therapeutic properties. The nearby Hierapolis city ruins are nearby and include ruinous landmarks, however the most interesting thing to see in Pamukkale is the magnificent theatre which has an impressively preserved facade. Other attractions worth visiting include Pamukkale Museum and Cleopatra’s pool. Pamukkale often is ranked among Turkey’s top frequented tourist attractions, to prove its worth and distinctiveness.

12. Explore Antalya Old Town in Mediterranean Turkey

The most ideal location to experience this region is the Antalya area, particularly Kaleici’s historic town. The most well-known monument, Hadrian’s Gate, was constructed by the Roman Emperor and marks the entry point to the distinctive Kaleici. Although the walls around the city’s old town date back to Roman times, Kaleici is primarily located in its Ottoman period. The old city center contains remains of the Korkut Mosque, originally a 2nd-century Roman temple transformed into a Byzantine Church, Seljuk Mosque, a crusade church, and finally an Ottoman Mosque. The Hidirlik Tower, an ancient fortification and tourist attraction overlooking the harbor of Kaleici, is also located within the city walls.

13. Visit Bodrum: Castle and Turkish Riviera Hub

This popular tourist spot in the western part of Turkey is renowned for its whitewashed houses, a massive port and castle, golden sandy beaches, and a renowned food culture. Once the home of the Halicarnassus Mausoleum, now destroyed by earthquakes, Bodrum Castle houses the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology, focusing on the travels of ancient mariners and sunken shipwrecks. A visit to Bodrum will also provide insight into the way that wealthy and famous people from Turkey celebrate.

14. Explore Places and Views on The Lycian Way Coast

Trekkers and hikers should include plans for the Lycian Way in their holiday itinerary in Turkey. The 500km walking trail along the southern coast from Fethiye to Antalya offers stunning views and traces the footsteps of past civilizations. Discover remains dating back to Byzantine, Greek, Persian, and Roman civilizations, marvel at stunning landscapes, and visit tourist spots such as Kayakoy ghost town, an abandoned village with Greek-style houses and churches. Stay overnight in beautiful towns like Kas, Kalkan, and Patara, boasting Turkey’s longest beach.

15. Travel to Ankara – Capital of Turkey

Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, draws tourists on country tours. The most interesting spot to visit is Anitkabir, the Mausoleum of Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Ankara Castle offers a 360-degree view and is a must-visit location. Museums and mosques are open every day for those who prefer cultural experiences over shopping or nightlife. The nearby Beypazari Ottoman village provides a different experience from the city’s urban landscape and is famous for its local mascot, carrots.

16. Visit Beautiful Olu Deniz in Fethiye

Another well-known attraction in Turkey, the Mediterranean Olu Deniz is a tranquil bay with a blue “jewel” lagoon. The famous beach is protected by law to preserve its beauty. For a stunning view of Oludeniz town, try tandem paragliding excursions from Babadag mountain. Take a morning water taxi trip to Butterfly Valley, a scenic canyon with waterfalls where butterflies thrive. From Oludeniz, it’s possible to visit other locations in Turkey by day, such as Pamukkale.

17. Explore Izmir in Aegean Turkey

First recorded in 3000 BC when the Trojans arrived, Izmir in western Turkey blends ancient structures with modern-day architecture, combining history and modernity. Previously called Smyrna, past civilizations include the Lydians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans. The tourism and business center of Turkey comprises the city center and smaller coastal towns with laid-back lifestyles, such as Alacati, Foca, and Cesme, attracting retired Turks and tourists alike.

18: The Ottoman Hub of Bursa

In addition to having the distinction of being Ottoman Empire’s first central point of rule, Bursa in Northwest Turkey is renowned for its green areas which makes the city eco sustainable. Bursa’s rich history is characterized by modern city buildings as well as stunning old structures. Also, look at designs, delve into Bursa’s past or, better yet go to amazing museums. Many mosques can be found across the city, but 14th century Ulu Cami is the most impressive. After visiting Bursa tourists can take cable automobiles up Uludag mountain Bursa’s most famous tourist attraction, as well as one of Turkey’s most famous ski resorts in winter.

19: The Lush Ayder Plateau of Rize

Turkey has stunning plateaus. One is the Ayder Plateau, in the Camlihemsin region of Rize. The Ayder Plateau in Turkey is called”the “honey forest” because of its exquisite taste and unique hot and cold crystal clear springs. It is believed that the Ayder Plateau used to be Turkey’s most secretive place, but the region has slowly become popular with tourists. But the influx of tourists hasn’t frightened the locals. You can expect the traditional tradition of the black sea when you travel to this region of Turkey.

20: Scenic Places in Uzungol Plateau

Uzungol Plateau in Turkey’s Black Sea region draws thousands of foreign and local tourists due to its breathtaking beauty. It has a lake set in lush green forests, and a cool climate due to its Kackar Mountains destination, the plateau is even more stunning when the fog falls and creates intriguing vibes. The most popular activities include camping and trekking, fishing and sampling local cuisines such as trout.

21: Take a Trip to Mediterranean Kas

Kas in the south of Turkey is still paying homage to a historic Turkish fishing community. The village is part of the Antalya district, the pink bougainvillaea stretches across the white-washed walls. In the years prior to 1923, there were a lot of Greek residents and evidence of their presence is evident in the architectural style of the wooden balconies in brown as well as shutters for windows. The streets and buildings sit in the vicinity of ancient Lycian tombs as well as Hellenistic theaters, and are now preserved as historical reminders of the civilizations that resided in this area of Turkey.

22: Sumela Monastery and Museum

There’s nowhere else quite similar to Sumela. It is located 1200m up on the Macka cliffs, the way people built their houses at this elevation, and maneuvering through forests and cliffs even before the advent of technology, is awe-inspiring. Sumela’s intricate frescoes portray the scenes depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Sumela is also located within Altindere National Park, the most well-known tourist destination within Turkey’s Trabzon region. It is famous for its extremely lush forests, trees such as chestnut, oak, Scotch pine as well as black pine and the forest rose are in the most abundant. Numerous flowers, fruits, and even plants create an ideal habitat for animals like foxes Lynx, wolves as well as wild goats.

23: Visit Delightful Places in Eastern Van

Van Van, a Eastern Turkey city, offers distinctive characteristics, such as the rare breed of cat that has two distinct eyes, the amber one and blue, which enjoy to swim at the bottom of Lake Van. Van prides itself on its rich history, which goes to 5,000 years BC. The history of Van was shaped by different civilisations including Urartian, Armenian, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman. Each period left amazing buildings, like Van Fortress (Urartian) and the Holy Cross Church (Armenian). Nature also has blessed Van with the largest lake in Turkey. of water.

24: Harran Beehive Houses in Southeast Turkey

Man has always looked towards landscapes to find resources. The beehive houses of Harran perfectly illustrate this. While most of them are tourist attractions these days, they provide an excellent insight into the way of life. Traditional methods of construction using bricks and mud kept the buildings cool during summer, but warm during winter. While the beehive houses in Turkey are exclusive in those in the Harran area, these homes can be all over the world, including in Africa as well as Scotland.

25: Impressive Places in Southeast Mardin

The town is located near close to the Tigris River and overlooking the Mesopotamian plains, Mardin is the home base to those of the Syriac people. Do not look at the new, bland area and instead look at the town’s old one that is dated back to 700 years ago. The narrow, cobbled streets offer fascinating insights into Mardin. Some of the most interesting places to visit are Kasimiye Medresi, an old Islamic school. The two-story structure is the gateway to a breathtaking perspective of ancient Mesopotamia. Near the outskirts of Mardin you can visit the historic Deyrul Zafaran monastery. The monastery’s relics include an ancient Bible, and the services continue to be held in Aramaic which is the language spoken by Jesus.

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